How to add new supplier in Nexchar Point of Sale (POS)

Efficiently managing supplier purchases is essential for maintaining accurate inventory records. With Nexchar Cloud POS, creating and tracking supplier purchases is simple and streamlined. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a supplier purchase from the back office.

  • Start by logging into your Nexchar back office system using your administrator credentials.
  • From the main menu on the left-hand side:
    • Go to Inventory > Purchases.
    • This will open the Purchases page, where you can view all existing purchase records.
Backoffice supplier menu

Now click the "Create new supplier" button located near the top right-hand side of the screen. It will take you to new supplier's page.

Backoffice create supplier page

Fill Out the Supplier Details:

  • Company Name: Enter the supplier’s company name. This will appear on Purchase Orders.
  • Supplier Name: Enter the contact person’s name at the supplier company.
  • Email: Provide the email address for communication.
  • Phone: Input the phone number of the supplier.
  • Address (optional): Add the supplier’s address if needed.
  • Comment (optional): Use this field for internal notes about the supplier.

Save the Supplier:

  • Once all the required fields are filled out, click the "Save" button.
  • Your new supplier will now appear in the suppliers list.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions, our support team is here to help. Contact us at or use the live chat feature in your Nexchar back office system.

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