How to Add a Composite Item


In your POS system, a composite item is a product made up of multiple components or items. For example, a gift basket might be a composite item, where each individual product inside the basket is a component. To add a composite item, you must first add its individual components to the system. This guide will walk you through the process.

Step 1: Add Components

Before creating a composite item, ensure that all the components that make up the composite item are added to your inventory.

  1. Navigate to the Items Section:

    • Go to the Items section in your POS system.
    • Click on Add New Item.
  2. Add the Component:

    • Fill out the item details such as Name, Price, and Quantity.
    • Important: Check the "Mark used components" checkbox. This indicates that the item will be used as part of a composite item.
  3. Save the Component:

    • Once all details are filled in, click on Save to add the component to your inventory.

Step 2: Create the Composite Item

After adding all the necessary components, you can now create the composite item.

  1. Enable Composite Item:

    • Go to the Items section and click on Add New Item.
    • Fill out the basic details like Name, Price, and Other information.
    • Important: Check the "Enable composite item" checkbox. Once this is checked, a "Composite Item" section will appear on your screen.
  2. Add Components to the Composite Item:

    • In the Composite Item section, you will see an auto-complete textbox and a table.
    • Use the auto-complete textbox to search for and select the components you've previously added.
    • After selecting a component, specify the quantity needed for this composite item, and it will be added to the table below.
  3. Save the Composite Item:

    • Once all components are added and quantities specified, click Save to finalize the composite item.


By following these steps, you can easily add a composite item to your inventory. Remember to always add and mark the components before creating the composite item. This ensures that your inventory remains accurate and organized.

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